The Case for Multilingualism in Adult Education
July 8th, 2024 | Blogs
By Alexis Cherewka, Catalina González, Shirley Doan, Dani Scherer, Jamie Harris
“Multilingualism is a superpower,” Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona declared as he highlighted the wide-ranging benefits that learning and knowing multiple languages can bring. Recent U.S. Census data suggest that nearly 1 in every 5 individuals speak a language other than English at home, and that this number has been growing (Dietrich & Hernandez, 2022). The U.S. has always had a rich history of multilingualism in spite of restrictive policies fueled by the xenophobia of English-only movements and repression-oriented policies that aspired to oppress languages and cultures (Crawford, 2000; Gogolin, 1997; Wiley & García, 2016). The consequences of such policies still reverberate through U.S. communities. Now is the time to learn from the multilingual advocates and researchers who have long called for recognition of the values of multilingualism, and adult education can play a key role in making this happen. In adult education services, adult multilingual learners strengthen their English language skills, advance in their career pathways, and enhance their civic participation.
Researchers have long advocated for the benefits of bilingualism, including academic, cognitive, economic, sociocultural benefits (), and the fostering of preserving languages among generations. Bilingual and multilingualism can support deeper empathy and understanding of other cultures (Rajalakshmi, 2024), mitigate the wage-gap for those receiving lower incomes (Churkina et al., 2023) and are associated with enhanced cognitive functioning skills like problem solving (Deardorff, 2014) and protecting against cognitive decline (Kroll & Dussias). Furthermore, for adolescents, language proficiency in family languages corresponds with academic benefits and can support family relationships (Boutakidis et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2009). Despite these benefits, persistent myths about multilingualism plague adult education programs. The purpose of this blog post is to dispel these myths, highlight the benefits of a multilingual approach, and share resources for adult educators to expand their use of a multilingual approach to providing adult education services.
Educators may have a concern that time spent in other languages will detract from English language development. However, as some adult educators have discovered as they have navigated differing perspectives in research and policies (Vanek et al., 2018), the opposite is true. For adult multilingual learners, building native language literacy and proficiency can even enhance English language development (Condelli et. al., 2009). For multilingual adults who have emerging literacy, a community of purpose that integrates English language speaking and listening instruction and native language literacy skills can support persistence and retention (Lukes, 2011). Adult educators can design curricula and lesson plans that draw on the benefits of multilingualism by intentionally incorporating space for multilingual learners to determine which language they would like to use and when. For example, at the parents discussed their experiences in the family literacy program in Spanish and English, allowing them to debrief their time in English language instruction and other programmatic activities and thus enhancing their experiences as multilingual language learners (Cherewka et al., 2024).
Educators have shared concerns about how to be inclusive of the diverse linguistic backgrounds present in their classrooms. Fortunately, there are several instructional and program design strategies that can support individuals with multiple languages within the same space. Several of these strategies can be found in resources such as from Celic and Seltzer (2013) and the (Cherewka, 2023). For example, as highlighted in the EARN spotlight, the English Empowerment Center in Northern Virginia invites graduates to become class aids and recruits bilingual volunteers.
Multilingual learners should not be excluded from opportunities to build digital skills. Language learning is a long process, and multilingual learners’ languages and literacies can also support their digital skill development – regardless of their English proficiency. As discovered in the federal initiative (2022), there is a need for more bilingual resources. That said, EdTech tools such as and offer digital skills modules in Spanish, and the includes learning materials in various languages to support digital skill development. Adult educators can make use of these and other similar programs within their curricula. They can also consider enlisting multilingual volunteers and program alumni to serve as multilingual support in classes, removing the language barrier that might prevent multilingual learners from focusing on digital skill development. Adult educators can also collaborate with other immigrant serving organizations to support multilingual learners in accessing programming such as through collaborating with (Digital US Coalition) to ensure language access for all adult learners.
In fact, multilingual career pathways are expanding rapidly (New American Economy, 2017). According to a from Language Testing International (2019), 56% of employers predicted continued growth in the next 5 years, and many employers reported a gap in language skills within their businesses or loss of business due to lack of foreign language skills. Job search website (2024) reports higher wages for bilinguals in the business and hospitality sectors, and bilingual healthcare professionals, educators, and government employees are also in high demand. For adult education providers, career navigators can play an important role in connecting multilingual learners with bilingual career pathways. and community engagement with multilingual community members, employers, and workforce development partners can support multilingual learners in connecting with these career pathways (Scherer & Stadd, 2023). As highlighted in the EARN spotlight, at the Literacy Council of Tyler in Texas, the entrepreneurship Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education programs integrates business planning in English with supplemental multilingual entrepreneurs to serve as guides in the process and allow for the use of Spanish and English as preferred (Cherewka, 2023).
The benefits of multilingualism are wide-ranging, leading to academic, economic, and sociocultural benefits for individuals and building communities that make space for all individuals to flourish. Adult educators have just as many wide-ranging options of how to draw on adults’ multilingualism to support them in reaching their civic, linguistic, and economic objectives. By drawing on multilingual learners’ many strengths and embedding multilingualism within program design, adult educators can create educational experiences that are more engaging, relevant, and learner-centered. This approach ensures that programs are tailored to the learners’ cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Finally, normalizing multilingualism in our adult education spaces—making these practices a standard and accepted part of everyday classroom activities—can transform our broader communities. By integrating these practices into education, we can break down barriers, support learning, and foster an environment where diverse languages, experiences, and cultures are celebrated. This shift not only enriches the learning experience for everyone involved but also promotes a more inclusive, understanding, and connected society where multilingualism is valued as a key skill and as an inclusive approach to language learning.
Boutakidis, I. P., Chao, R. K., & Rodríguez, J. L. (2011). The role of adolescents’ native language fluency on quality of communication and respect for parents in Chinese and Korean immigrant families. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 2(2), 128–139.
Celic, C., & Seltzer, K. (2013). Translanguaging: A CUNY-NYSIEB Guide for Educators. CUNY-NYSIEB, The Graduate Center, the City University of New York.
Cherewka, A. (2023). Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans.
Cherewka, A., Hudson, S., & Kaiper-Marquez, A. (2024). A strengths-based approach to multilingualism for adult education and family literacy. National Center for Families Learning.
Churkina, O., Nazareno, L., & Zullo, M. (2023). The labor market outcomes of bilinguals in the United States: Accumulation and returns effects. PLOS ONE, 18(6), e0287711.
Condelli, L., Spruck Wrigley, H., & Yoon, K. S. (2009). “What works” for adult literacy students of English as a second language. In S. Reder & J. Bynner (Eds.), Tracking adult literacy and numeracy skills: Findings from longitudinal research (pp. 132–159). Taylor & Francis.
Crawford, J. (2000). At War with Diversity: U.S. Language Policy in an Age of Anxiety. Multilingual Matters.
Deardorff, J. (2024, November 7). Bilingual brains better equipped to process information. Northwestern Now.
Digital US Coalition. The Digital Navigator Playbook.
Dietrich, S., & Hernandez, E. (2022). Language Use in the United States: 2019 [American Community Survey Reports]. United States Census Bureau.
DRAW Initiative. (2022). Digital Resilience in the American Workforce: Findings from a National Landscape Scan on Adult Digital Literacy Instruction
Gogolin, I. (1997). The “Monolingual Habitus” as the common feature in teaching in the language of the majority in different countries. Per Linguam, 13(2), 38–39.
Indeed Editorial Team. (2024, April 18). 13 Best Careers for Bilinguals.
Kroll, J. F., & Dussias, P. E. (2017). The benefits of multilingualism to the personal and professional development of residents of the US. Foreign Language Annals, 50(2), 248–259.
Language Testing International. (2022, August 16). Why It Pays to Be Bilingual.
Liu, L. L., Benner, A. D., Lau, A. S., & Kim, S. Y. (2009). Mother-Adolescent language proficiency and adolescent academic and emotional adjustment among Chinese American families. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38(4), 572–586.
Lukes, M. (2011). “I Understand English But Can’t Write It”: The Power of Native Language Instruction for Adult English Learners. International Multilingual Research Journal, 5(1), 19–38.
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New American Economy. (2017, March 1). Demands for Bilingual Workers More than Doubled in 5 Years, New Report Shows.
Rajalakshmi, N. (2024, February 20). Deeper empathy is only one benefit of being multilingual. The University of Arizona News.
Scherer, D., & Stadd, J. (2023). The role of navigators in IELCE/IET career pathways. Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans.
U.S. Department of Education. (2023). Biden-Harris Administration Launches “Being Bilingual is a Superpower” to Promote Multilingual Education for a Diverse Workforce.
Vanek, J., Cushing-Leubner, J., Engman, M., & Kaiper, A. (2019). Exposing vacancies: Interactive agency in adult education language policy. In J. Bouchard & G. P. Glasgow (Eds.), Agency in language policy and planning: Critical inquiries (pp. 279–296). Routledge.
Wiley, T. G., & García, O. (2016). Language Policy and Planning in Language Education: Legacies, Consequences, and Possibilities. The Modern Language Journal, 100(S1), 48–63.
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